Please join Cindy Drouhard, Nicole Duncan and Jenna Logerwell for an “Unconference” centered on the Next Generation Science Standards in Elementary.
An unconference is an informal conference where participants help to identify the professional development sessions based on greatest interest. We know that you are all doing great things in your classroom and this is a great way to share, collaborate and to get the PD that you want and feel that will be most helpful. Food and drink will be provided.
You may facilitate a session or attend others that are going on. Some popular ideas include learning how to read your grade level NGSS Standards, creating lessons integrated into the current literacy and math curriculum, and answering the question “Why do I do Science?" Participants are also encouraged to identify other topics that they would like to have included at the Unconference.
**Bring your own Device**
This event is open to everyone in the Greater Albany Public Schools only, OSTA Member or not.
However, we respectfully request that if you are, or have been, an OSTA member, that you log in to the website before registering for this event.
If you have forgotten your password, just select "forgot password" after entering your e-mail address* and a temporary one will be provided.
*You will need to use the e-mail address that is associated with your membership if you use more than one e-mail address.
4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd, #1025Portland, Oregon97214