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Thank you for celebrating our colleagues and everyone's commitment to science education.
Awards were presented at the 
University of Oregon Ford Alumni Center

Saturday, November 2, 2024

2024 OSTA Outstanding Teaching Awardees

One of the most important functions of the Oregon Science Teachers Association is to recognize outstanding science educators across the state.  Each year the OSTA Executive Board selects several individuals for statewide and regional awards.  The Awardees are selected by committee from individuals nominated by members of OSTA.
      Name and OSTA Region        School or District

Paul Snape: Central Oregon Region             

Cascades Academy, Bend OR

 Sally Anderson: Columbia River Gorge Region

Hood River County, SD, Hood River OR

  David Scharfenberg:  Columbia River Gorge Region
Hood River Middle School, Hood River OR

Chris Rose:  East Metro Region

Cyrus Harshfield: East Metro Region

Olive Altieri:  Portland Metro Region -Early Career

Deep Creek Damascus K-8, Damascus OR

Gresham High School, Gresham OR

Jefferson High School, Portland OR

 Andrea Leech:  Portland Metro   Region McDaniel High School, Portland Oregon
Kelly Ferguson:  Lane Region Kalapuya High School, Eugene

 Sandi Hickock:  Lane Region

Kelly Middle School, Eugene

Carrie Balavender:  Lane Region Willagillespie Elementary School, Eugene

Statewide Awards

Distinguished Service to Science Education Award

This award is intended to honor those individuals who, as classroom teachers, have made significant contributions to science teaching in their own classrooms and beyond. The awardee was selected based on career longevity and body of work, statewide and regional influence, enthusiasm for science, and the ability to motivate students and colleagues alike.

Dustin Dawson: Lane Education Service District, Eugene

 Tana Shephard:  Eugene 4J School District, Eugene

The Sunrise Scholarship

The Sunrise Scholarship Award was established by long-time OSTA Board Member, Lynn Mitchell.  Lynn was a science teacher at Hood River High school, and spent many years on the OSTA board in a number of capacities.  His vision for this scholarship was to support early career teachers to get involved with their professional organization, take advantage of the resources available through being a member, and setting the stage for the next generation of science leaders in OSTA. The Sunrise Scholarship is used to pay registration to attend the next two (2) OSTA Statewide Conferences, and a 2-year membership in OSTA.

Lisa Sands Michaelsen:  HB Lee Middle School

Reynolds School District

Lily White: Double O Elementary

Hines, Oregon

The NGSS Team Award

As Dr. Okhee Lee said, NGSS implementation is a relay, and the strongest runners - the classroom teachers - take the baton over the finish line. OSTA has created the NGSS Team Award to honor the incredible teamwork happening at schools and districts statewide. This award will be given to a team of K-12 teachers who are sharing the work of implementing NGSS-aligned curriculum and assessment at their school or in their district. 

Crook County Middle School, Prineville, OR

Julia Neuhaus, John Ferraro, Hayden Bates, Casey Hagan, Daryl Ann Powell, Cedar Mackaness


The Presidential Award is the nation's highest honor for teachers of mathematics and science (including computer science). Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of mathematics and science education. The following teachers have been selected as national and state finalists.

2024 State Finalist

Nicholas Krissie

Lincoln Middle School

Oakland School District

Nominations alternate between teachers in K-6 and in 7-12. For more information on how to nominate an outstanding science teacher for this award, go to:


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Portland, Oregon

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