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2017 OSTA Fall Conference on Science Education

  • October 14, 2017
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Portland Community College, Sylvania Campus, 12000 SW 49th Ave, Portland, OR 97219


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Lunch on Saturday and a 1-year membership in OSTA is included with this registration.
  • Lunch on Saturday and a 1-year membership in OSTA is included with this registration.
  • Lunch on Saturday is included with this registration.

Registration is closed
Advanced Registration ends September 30th

Conference Program and Schedule will be through our Conference App, and accessible to registered** conference attendees only.

Events Scheduled

Thursday, October 12:
Awards Event @ OMSI*
OMSI Educator Evening

Friday, October 13:

Pre-Conference Workshops & Tours*
Happy Hour/Early Registration

Saturday, October 14:

General Session
Concurrent sessions
Exhibitor displays & give-a-ways

*Registration fees for workshops, tours, and awards event are separate, and may be added when you register for the conference.  Seating is limited.
**The conference app will be made available to registrants with settled invoices.

8 Professional Development Units to be provided upon completion.
Washington Clock Hours will be made available at the conference.

OSTA Members: Log in before registering to access the membership rate.
WSTA Members: Get the registration code to access the WSTA membership rate.**

Not a member?  A regular membership is just $25.  Join here! Then, log in to register.

To pay using a credit or debit card:

Complete the online registration.  Click the "Pay online" button. This will take you to PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, just check out as a guest.

Paying by check?

Complete the online registration and click on the "invoice me button."  Print the invoice that will be e-mailed to you. Make your check payable to OSTA. Mail the printed invoice with your check to the Conference Registrar at the following address:

OSTA Registrar

4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd, #1025

Portland, OR 97214-5246

Will your district be paying?

  • Each individual completes the online registration and clicks on the "invoice me" button.
  • Print the invoice that will be emailed.
  • Submit the invoice(s) to your district for payment

To districts sending teachers or groups of teachers:

  • Gather all invoices from individual registrants.
  • Include with your payment each registrant name along with their invoice number.
  • Send your payment to OSTA Registrar at the address above.
If you have any questions please contact OSTA's Registrar at

**WSTA Members require a registration code.  Please contact your WSTA Representative, Carol Sandison at

Refund/Cancellation Policy:  Refund requests must be in writing and must be postmarked/timestamped 10 days before the event. Registration cancellations are subject to a $20 processing fee. Send any requests to the registrar at


4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd, #1025
Portland, Oregon

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