During this workshop we will explore how a series of lessons can be used to explain an anchoring phenomenon on matter. Lessons will be three-dimensional – including the three components of NGSS: Cross-Cutting Concepts, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Scientific and Engineering Practices. Teachers will conduct investigations and then apply what they have learned in a chemical engineering task. You will walk away with strategies to engage students that can be used right away on any unit that you are developing.
Instructors:Susan Holveck, Beaverton School District Berkeley Gadbaw, Catlin Gabel School
Audience: Middle School
This event is open to everyone, OSTA Member or not. However, we respectfully request that if you are, or have been, an OSTA member, that you log in to the website before registering for this event.
Paying with a credit or debit card?Complete the online registration. Click the "Pay online" button. This will take you to PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, just check out as a guest.
Paying by check?Complete the online registration and click on the "invoice me button." Print the invoice that will be e-mailed to you. Make your check payable to OSTA. Mail the printed invoice with your check to the Conference Registrar at the following address:
Oregon Science Teachers Association 2018 Fall Conference Registration4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd, #1025 Portland, OR 97214-5246
Refund/Cancellation Policy: Cancellation and refund requests must be made in writing and be postmarked or timestamped 14 days before the event. Registration cancellations are subject to a processing fee. Email requests to the registrar at registrar@oregonscience.org. Mailed requests are to be sent to the address above.
4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd, #1025Portland, Oregon97214