This webinar will provide educators and administrators with information about the Oregon Balanced Assessment System (OSAS), including the OSAS Science Assessment. Information on the upcoming 2020 OSAS Science Assessment will be given as well as an update on the extensive outreach efforts to gather input for the 2018-19 OSAS Science Assessment scores. In addition, ODE’s vision for interim and formative assessment practices, Science Local Performance Assessment information including requirements for local performance assessment, and the current ODE focus for resource development will be shared. Time will be provided for participants to ask questions.
Presenter: Noelle Gorbett is the Science Assessment Specialist and Assessment Team Lead at Oregon Department of Education. Prior to joining ODE, Noelle was a Teacher on Special Assignment for Science, Math, STEM, and CTE, as well as professional development provider, classroom science teacher, department chair, and large scale assessment item writer. When she’s not focusing on science instruction and assessment, Noelle enjoys reading, cooking, and spending time with her husband and two sons.
This event is open to everyone, OSTA Member or not. However, we respectfully request that if you are, or have been, an OSTA member, that you log in to the website before registering for this event. Signing in before registering saves our organization time, so we thank you!
One PDU will be provided for attending, contingent upon completing an exit survey.
This meeting will be hosted on Zoom. You will receive an email with the meeting link after you register. If this is your first time using Zoom, you will need to allow yourself a few minutes to download the app here:
4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd, #1025Portland, Oregon97214