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Partners in Science Meet & Greet

  • September 22, 2021
  • 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Virtual Event on Zoom


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Partners in Science: Experience a Career Changing Opportunity — and Get Paid to do it!

When was the last time you had a professional development experience that was specifically designed with the science teacher in mind?  A professional development opportunity where you can see yourself as a scientist and an integral part of a scientific community?  Where you get to experience the processes of science that we try to provide for our students?

The Murdock Charitable Trust recognizes the importance and value of science education and the importance of transformative experiences around science research and education. The Partners in Science Program has been such a transformative experience for over 600 science teachers for over 30 years.

The MJ Murdock Charitable Trust makes $19,000 grants for high school science teachers to do research in university labs for two summers. The grant includes teacher stipends of $6500 as well as travel and academic year enrichment funds for each of the two years. The program’s vision is to give teachers an authentic research experience doing innovative science in an academic lab or research facility to ultimately influence classroom practices—facilitating more hands-on research to inspire learning and spark innovation.

The MJ Murdock Trust invites high school science teachers and university researchers to attend a virtual meet and greet.  Learn about opportunities for grant-funded collaboration.

This virtual event will provide an overview of the Partners in Science Program and an opportunity to get your questions answered about this professional development opportunity.

Presenters: Kim Newman, Partners in Science Program Manager, and Lori Lancaster, Veteran Partner and OSTA Membership Coordinator.


4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd, #1025
Portland, Oregon

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