Oregon Science Teachers Association 62nd Annual Fall Conference on Science Education
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Newport Middle School 825 NE 7th St,
Newport, Oregon
To get your organization's name on our conference page, please complete the online registration form.
In addition to exhibiting at the conference, there are many sponsorship opportunities to get your organization’s name and logo in the conference advertising on our web page, and in all communications that we send out.
To pay using a credit/debit card, complete the online registration. Click the "Pay online" button.
Paying by check? Complete the online registration and click on the "Invoice Me" button. Print the invoice that will be emailed to you. Make your check payable to OSTA. Mail the invoice with your check to:
Oregon Science Teachers Association 2025 Exhibitor Registration 4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd, #1025 Portland, OR 97214
Oregon Science Teachers Association
2025 Exhibitor Registration
4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd, #1025
Portland, OR 97214
Refund/Cancellation Policy: Refund requests must be made in writing and be postmarked or timestamped 14 days before the event. Registration cancellations are subject to a $50 processing fee. Email requests to the registrar at registrar@oregonscience.org. Mailed requests are to be sent to the address above.
4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd, #1025Portland, Oregon97214